Earlier this week, a leaked video of Junoon’s Ali Azmat, bashing current era’s musicians, went viral over social media. In his lead video, Ali can be seen complaining “Aisay hee star koi thora ban jata hai cheekhain maar kay. O bhai ganay bananay partay hain aur phir continuously ganay bananay partay hain.” He also specifically criticized Umair Jaswal in reply to a question.
When questioned how Umair Jaswal’s Sammi Meri Waar was a great hit, Ali quickly reacked and asked, “Wo uska apna gana tha? Pata naheen kiska gana hai, folk song chal raha hai, uska andar kuch bana k, toon taa kardia.”
This created a hot debate between musicians and fans and just now, Umair Jaswal has released a video message and called it a funny act. “I would like to say to Ali that you are entitled to your own opinion and you cannot force it on anyone,” said Jaswal.
He went one step ahead and left an advice for Ali Azmat at the end of his video. “It’s time you should come to the future and be relevant,” he told.
Here is the video: