Since when Zee Zindagi has started airing Pakistani dramas in India, many Bollywood actors have been complimenting our content. One among them is Vidya Balan, the lead actress of a number of Hindi movies. She is not just vocal in praising Pakistani content, but also, has recently revealed that a couple of Pakistani film makers have contacted her to act in Pakistani movies. “I have lately got a couple of offers. It really depends on the script,” she says.

According to a daily newspaper, the Munna Bhai MBBS lead actress Vidya Balan has been approached by a few Pakistani filmmakers but she has yet to receive any script from them. She says that her decision will totally depend on the script of the movie.

“Lately, I’ve been watching Zindagi channel and I love the content. It’s lovely,” she says. “I’m open to work anywhere in the world,’ she adds.

Lets see who takes the lead in sending her the script from Pakistan.


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