Barzakh, the much-discussed series directed by Asim Abbasi, has once again sparked conversation after being nominated at the prestigious Asian Academy Creative Awards. The series, which brought together Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed after their iconic roles in Zindagi Gulzar Hai, initially faced harsh criticism in Pakistan for its portrayal of LGBTQ content and was eventually pulled from YouTube Pakistan due to public backlash.

Despite the criticism, Barzakh was praised for its striking cinematography and the bold decision to explore a genre that is rarely touched upon in Pakistani entertainment. With a unique blend of fantasy, metaphysical elements, and layered storytelling, the series became a topic of hot debate.

Now, Barzakh finds itself in contention for an award at the Asian Academy Creative Awards, alongside renowned productions like Heeramandi, Railway Men, and Panchayat. This nomination marks a significant achievement for Pakistani content on a global stage, but it has also reignited public discourse regarding the series.

Here’s what public said:

The nomination of Barzakh at such a prestigious platform adds a new chapter to the series’ controversial journey. Whether or not the show wins, it has certainly opened doors for more boundary-pushing content from Pakistan on an international level.


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