Set In the late 1970s, the story of HUM’s newest period drama, Choti Si Zindagi focuses on teen marriages. The story unfolds in a small village and revolves around Urwa and Ameena. Urwa is a teenager and studies in the city but his narrow-minded father, in fear of losing his son, gets him engaged to his niece Ameena and notifies him via a letter. After a failed attempt to talk to his father about this engagement against his will, Urwa has no choice left but to marry Ameena, leave her with his parents to enjoy his life in the city where he has an affair with his classmate Azra.
Will Urwa find his way out of this forced marriage or will he succumb to his family’s pressure and honour?
Written by: Sarwat Nazir
Directed by: Shaqielle Khan
Produced by: Momina Duraid Productions
Cast: Shehzad Sheikh, Iqra Abdul Aziz, Syed Afraz Rasool, Kiran Shahid, Asma Saif, Farah Shah, Nimra Khan, Tahira Imam, Sameer Ahmed, Sohail Masood, Neelum Gul, and Others.
Date & Time: Every Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Total Episodes: 20