Bilal Abbas Khan proves his mettle on our screens in Pyar Ke Sadqay


With another episode of Pyar Ke Sadqay, Bilal Abbas Khan showcased his talent to the fullest and swept away the audience’s interest. Abdullah (Bilal Abbas Khan) has turned into this loving husband, who tried to express his affection for Mahjbeen (Yumna Zaidi).

As unconventional as the screenplay is, the small details that bring a character like Abdullah to life are all checked by Bilal Abbas Khan. The story has taken a twist, and we didn’t expect it to go this way.

The cunning stepdad tries to play with Abdullah’s feelings for Shanzay (Yashma Gill). He visits Shanzay to apologize for not being able to attend her wedding reception, where he realizes that she’s not happy with her decision to marry Eesa. All in all, Sarwar seems to be successful in provoking Abdullah’s love for Shanzay.

On the other hand, after realizing how she wronged Abdullah, Shanzay’s attitude changes towards him. She is super friendly to him, and apparently, Abdullah is enjoying her company (and that’s the last thing we needed right now to weaken his and Mahjabeen’s vulnerable relation).

After he comes back home, Mahjbeen awaits him. A super annoyed Abdullah refuses to go with her, but Washma (Srha Asghar) pressurizes him. At the mall, they had an encounter with Shanzay, which Mahjabeen made extremely awkward for her husband. The helplessness in his behavior makes you feel a little sorry for him and make you laugh at the same time.

We are totally unbiased; the man earned all the praise that he gets. We are hoping to continue watching him in such dynamic and challenging roles in the future.


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