After mainstream Pakistani drama actresses including Mahira Khan, Humaima Malik and Saba Qamar, a relatively new and young VJ turned drama actress Madiha Imam is set to make her Bollywood debut in an upcoming film titled Dear Maya. The movie stars veteran Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala in lead role. The small budget directorial debut of Sunaina Bhatnagar will hit cinemas on June 2nd, 2017.

The trailer of the film has released yesterday and Imam is seen playing a teenage schoolgirl Anna. She, and her friend IRA are happy go lucky girls. The story of the film is about a woman named Maya, who has been living in their neighbourhood and has not left her house for twenty years.

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Talking to Daily Express, drama serial Dhaani actress told that she did not believe it when she received the offer on call. “But when they talked on Skype, I was on moon. I liked the script but I agreed to do it only after getting permission from my parents,” she informed.

“I am very happy to work with Manisha Koirala. I am playing 16 year old girl who lives in Shimla, India,” told Imam. According the actress, the film was shot last year in India.

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The lead character of the film Manish Koirala has started promoting her film in India but, like Mahira Khan and Saba Qamar, Imam will also not be able to go to India to promote her Bollywood debut. “I won’t be able to take part in promotions of the film but for everyone, country comes first and for me, Pakistan is first,” told the actress.

Madiha Imam Dear Maya Manisha Koirala Bollywood 1

Dear Maya is written and directed by Sunaina Bhatnagar and jointly produced by Sandeep Leyzell and Shobhna Yadav. The music of the film is composed by Anupam Roy.

Watch Trailer:


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