Syed Noor, a renowned Pakistani filmmaker celebrated for his hit movies from the nineties such as “Choorian” and “Majajan,” is known for introducing numerous talents who have made significant impacts on the industry. In recent times, he directed “Tere Baajray Di Rakhi,” starring Saima Noor and social media star Jannat Mirza.
Despite the anticipation, the film underperformed at the box office, and Jannat Mirza did not succeed in drawing audiences to the cinemas or establishing herself as a successful film actress. In a recent interview with YouTuber Ambreen Fatima, Syed Noor shared insights into why Jannat could not make her mark as a film star.
Noor highlighted Jannat’s background, saying, “Jannat is a very educated girl from a well-off family. She didn’t have the passion to be a film star; she knew she was an accomplished Tiktoker, so the film’s failure didn’t affect her.”
He revealed that his decision to cast her was influenced by his good relations with her family and his personal liking for her. “We didn’t make her wear revealing clothes or film bold scenes. We signed her hoping her followers would come to see the film.”
Noor acknowledged the reality of their expectations versus the outcome, noting, “Humayun Saeed was right; people didn’t show up. This happened because people usually watch TikTok for free. Jannat had already achieved a lot of success in her life, and her followers were getting content from her.”
The filmmaker’s candid remarks shed light on the challenges of transitioning social media influencers to mainstream cinema, emphasizing that success in one medium does not automatically translate to another. Despite the setback, Syed Noor’s willingness to experiment and his openness about the project’s outcomes offer valuable lessons for the evolving landscape of the entertainment industry.