Veteran Bollywood actor Om Puri passed away earlier this morning after a fatal heart attack. The actor was strictly adherent to the idea exchange of talent between two neighbours, for which he recently received huge criticism from his countrymen.
Last year, Om Puri appeared in Nabeel Qureshi’s blockbuster Actor in Law alongside Fahad Mustafa and Mehwish Hayat. He also traveled Pakistan for the promotions of his movie and greeted his fans.
Celebrities around the world are mourning the the sudden death of the legend.
#OmPuri a legend to work with & a man with his humble & loving nature won the hearts of people across the border. May his soul RIP
— Fahad Mustafa (@fahadmustafa26) January 6, 2017
A fine actor & a courageous human being; Om Puri stood his ground and relentlessly worked for peace & harmony in toughest times #RIPOmPuri
— Humayun Saeed (@iamhumayunsaeed) January 6, 2017
We lost today who we found too close to our hearts, a man who was all love and peace,dnt hv the courage/words to say farewell #RIP #ompuri
— Nabeel Qureshi (@nabeelqureshi) January 6, 2017
The world loses a great artist, truly one of Indian cinema's In Peace #OmPuri
— Mahira Khan (@TheMahiraKhan) January 6, 2017
Om Puri sir. Rest in peace.
— Ali Zafar (@AliZafarsays) January 6, 2017
RIP #OmPuri sir! You will always be remembered as the promoter of peace and Love between the two countries & for so much more…
— MAWRA HOCANE (@MawraHocane) January 6, 2017
Can't believe he's gone. #RIP Om Jee.
Thank you so much @MiraPagliNair for the opportunity to share the silver screen with these legends.— Meesha Shafi (@itsmeeshashafi) January 6, 2017
And now we lose #OmPuri , one of the most talented actors & An Indian who was not shy of speaking his mind against extremism & for Peace.
— salman ahmad (@sufisal) January 6, 2017
The mind replays what the heart just can't erase. #OmPuri ,Samina Peerzada & Me at the Bite the Mango Film Frstival
— Mahesh Bhatt (@MaheshNBhatt) January 6, 2017
I have known #OmPuri for d last 43yrs. For me he’ll always b a great actor, a kind & generous man. And that is how world shud remember him.
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) January 6, 2017