Na Maloom Afraad 2 actress Hania Amir landed herself in a controversy on social media after she posted a couple of videos on her snapchat and Instagram, where she tried to film an unknown passenger sitting on her back seat in airplane. Many on Twitter and Facebook called it a harassment. Fortunately, the actress took no time to react on the issue and made an apology.

“First of all, I’d like to apologise to everyone who got offended by the video I posted. That was not my intention at all,” clarified Hania in an interview to daily newspaper.

“I would like to add that I took the snap down when I saw it again myself, as I found it extremely weird. It came out in the wrong manner,” she added.

Read: Hania Aamir films male passenger on her Instagram, sparks harassment claims

Talking about people’s reaction on the videos, the actress assured that she was not using her star power to harass the man. “I saw the reactions the video garnered, and I can assure you that in no possible way, I was using my star power to harass the man. I would never do that. Honestly, I don’t even consider myself a star. But I do understand where people are coming from,” she told.

The Parwaz Hay Junoon actress further added that she was not trying to invade anyone’s privacy and after she realized the situation, she deleted the videos. “My intention was never to harass a man, since I do know how it feels to be judged on how I wear my hair, what shoes I wear. Therefore, as soon as the video was uploaded and I saw the snap, I deleted it right there. I wasn’t trying to invade his personal space or anything like that,” she told to the daily.

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Hania has been making funny vines and videos long before her big screen debut and this is the reason that we trusted her when she said, “I’m known for making funny vines and videos and that was what the video was about. I wasn’t harassing anyone…. That definitely wasn’t what I meant to do. It was just an exchange of  expressions between two people and I found that hilarious at that time. However, I would still like to apologise to everyone about it.”

The actress realized her mistake and took no time to make an apology. But is it too late to apologize?


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