Internet trolls Nida for being ill informed about Formula 1 racing cars


Nida Yasir has once again become the center of trolls after a clip from her old Morning Show episode went viral on social media.

In a viral clip, Nida can be listened asking some questions to NUST students who appeared in her show for promoting their invented Formula 1 racing car.

“Can Formula cars seat more than a person,” Nida asked. “Actually, it is a formula car. So only one person can sit,” one of the students replied.

“Oh, so it’s just a formula for now? Have you done an experiment on any car?” the host quipped. “No, it’s a formula car. We’ve made one. It’s a racecar,” a student replied. Last but not the least, Nida questioned, “So, does it drive as fast as a petrol car?”

Netizens laughed at Nida for being ill-informed about the topic of her show and asked her to be prepared.

Read: Nida Yasir apologizes for her questions to Marwah’s parents


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