‘Criticizing Sadaf on her past videos, weakens your case’ Shahroz to critics


Shahroz Sabzwari has come up in defense of his wife Sadaf Kanwal after she faced criticism for her comments on marriage, feminism, and liberalism.

Speaking to Samaa Tv, Shahroz said people criticized Sadaf’s point of view by dragging her past videos which has already weakened their own stance on this matter.

“If my wife shares her respect and love for me and people start criticizing her by bringing her past videos, then I believe they have weakened their own case. Because, throwing dirt on someone by bringing their past, weakens your own case and nothing else,” he highlighted.

Read: ‘For me, feminism is to respect my husband’ Sadaf Kanwal

“And, Alhumdulillah, we live in a Islamic state and Islam is a religion of asking for forgiveness and a chance to become a better version of yourself. It doesn’t mean that you start criticizing someone’s present point of view on the basis of past videos,” he maintained.

Shahroz shared that he, his wife and his whole family stand with oppressed women but they are against those who are spreading vulgarity. “I have always said, I, Sadaf and my whole family is standing with oppressed women but we are against those who are spreading vulgarity,” he pointed out.

“In Aurat March last year or this year, I heard a slogan ‘Allah Bhy Dega Azadi’, how pathetic this slogan was. Can you imagine, where we are standing as an Islamic state,” he bashed.


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