Sarwat Gilani shared the reason behind picking up the projects like Churails and ongoing Zee5 web series Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam.
Speaking to Cutacut, Sarwat said she wasn’t interested in playing the typical women roles in dramas.
“I did television for two decades, that’s like 20 years and as an artist, I didn’t want to be put into a box of a satti savitri or a next-door girl, or a zulm khanay wali girl because we’re moving past it,” she said.
“So I felt like I cannot be contradicting myself by raising my voice on women’s rights and at the same time, playing characters that are all about taking the patriarchal and the misogynistic society and sort of having to work within those rules,” she added.
It must be noted here that Sarwat along with other cast remained under immense criticism for Churails and Qatil Haseenaon Ke Naam that follow the concept of feminism.