The Customs Collectorate Karachi has seized over 80,000 Q Mobile phones and tablets in Karachi, which were allegedly smuggled by Digicom Trading (PVT) Ltd in the name of LED lights. The Anti Smuggling Staff Organization (ASO) has also lodged an FIR against the directors of M/s Digicom Trading (Pvt) Ltd.
According to the press release, the FIR has been lodged for the smuggling of contraband mobile phones/tablets through gross mis-declaration in the garb of LED lights/bulbs.
According to 92 News report, the company had got fraudulently cleared four containers through Green Channel. The worth of seized mobile phones and tablets is over Rs 280 million but the company paid only Rs 94,311 as tax by showing LED lights in the container.
The mobile phone company is allegedly involved in causing loss of billions of rupees to the national exchequer by getting millions of rupees as income tax refund through bogus claims.
Addressing a press conference Collector Preventive Dr. Iftikhar informed that they had information that mobile phones would be smuggled from the port area in the garb of import of LED lights from MCC Appraisement West, Karachi by M/s Digicom Trading Pvt Led for ultimate transportation at Central Plaza, Saddar, Karachi.
“Eventually, one out of four containers was found in Saddar as the company employees present at the location had escaped. Upon examination, container was found stuffed with mobile phones and tablets etc, while M/s Digicom had filed the GD on self basis through the green channel declaring the goods to be LED lights. Zeeshan Akhtar s/o Mian Pervaiz Akhtar filed the GD on self basis from his own ID is the main culprit involved in the scam along with others,” read the press release.
“The value of seized goods is calculated at Rs285 million and the incidence of duty and taxes come to Rs104 million. FIR has been lodged and investigations are underway,” it added.
The officials also alleged that markets are flooded with smuggled mobile phones and trade unions including Karachi Electronic Dealers Association (KEDA) were involved in this dirty business.