The Donkey King is Geo’s first ever animation movie directed by Aziz Jindani under the Talisman Studios production house. The film’s plot is very simple – a donkey that does laundry for a living, after some twists and turns is selected as a king for Azad Nagar. This simple plot is structured around well written dialogues and puns with many hilarious scenes attracting audiences of all age groups.
The movie has received appreciation not just from the public but also from politicians and famous celebrities.
But what is more amazing about The Donkey King is the track list of the movie. Within a short span of time, the track songs of The Donkey King have reached a cumulative 52 million views on YouTube. This is extremely rare for any animation movie to receive such high views only on their track list, so The Donkey King tracks are really something to talk about.
The title song alone has received over 30 million views on YouTube and the comments section is flooding with appreciation, likes and praises for the comical lyrics and carefree music that adds to the theme of the song.
Two other track songs from The Donkey King – ‘Inki Pinky Ponky’ and ‘Allah Meherban’ have received 9 million and 3 million views respectively on YouTube.
The movie’s most comical and impressive song is Khotay Da Puttar. You are definitely going to laugh your guts because the lyrics are just WOW and the video is every bit of fun. Most part of its success goes to the animation team for making a movie that has passed the international standards of voice-overs and visuals.
Khotay Da Puttar has gained more than a million views in just a week which is actually a bonus track of The Donkey King specially created for the Father’s Day.
– Aysha Ahmed