We have been seeing Hassan Sheheryar Yasin (HSY) meetings with Chinese groups for few days and people going crazy what’s cooking between them. We have got the answer!
The recent reports have revealed that HSY had signed a contract with a technology brand to introduce new mobile phones with some interesting features. With this, HSY has become Pakistan’s first fashion designer to partner with a technology brand. The new partners have not announced complete details but it is sure that HSY fans will be able to see him as part of key product launches and campaigns for the brand.
“I am thrilled to be working with OPPO in Pakistan; a company which is about bringing exquisite design and innovative technology together. My association with OPPO is the proof to our belief in the brand’s philosophy of fusing style with technology. After all, smartphones in today’s day and age are seen less as simple electronic devices and more as lifestyle statements and facets of one’s personal style. I look forward to working closely with the brilliant brand team of OPPO” said designer Hassan Sheheryar Yasin in press release.
“It gives me immense pleasure to announce Mr. Hassan Sheheryar Yasin as our first brand partner for Pakistan. Indeed this is the first time that a multinational smartphone company has joined hands with a fashion designer here in Pakistan. The fact that HSY is not only a fashion designer but a style icon is completely in tune with our brand ethos where art and haute design and principally important along with innovation in technology. OPPO and Fashion have a globally seasoned relationship and our partnership with HSY brings forward this legacy into Pakistan. We have always chosen the best in fashion globally and HSY for us is simply the best in this region. We welcome HSY into the ever growing global family of OPPO and look forward to collaborating with him in “pursuit of beauty” said George Long, the CEO of OPPO Pakistan.