The director and male lead of Jawani Phir Nahi Ani (JPNA), Nadeem Baig and Humayun Saeed have decided to go for another collaboration on big screen. The duo are now working on their new movie titled Main Punjab Nahi Jaungi (MPNJ), a romantic comedy, which stars Iman Ali as female lead.
JPNA became the highest grossing Pakistani movie worldwide, which probably was the reason that Nadeem Baig, Humayun Saeed and Mehwish Hayat did not hesitate to quickly collaborate for drama serial Dillagi. And now, they are up for another project on big screen titled Main Punjab Nahi Jaoungi.
The script of the movie is written by Khalilur Rahman and with Saeed and Ali, MPNJ will also star JPNA’s Ahmed Ali Butt and Sohai Ali Abro and veteran actresses Samina Peerzada and Saba Hameed in prominent roles.
Sheraz Uppal and Shani Arshad will compose the music for MPNJ.