Monday night marked Meesha Shafi’s first television appearance since the harassment ordeal with Ali Zafar. Speaking to Shahzeb Khanzada on Geo, the singer addressed Zafar’s claims and allegations, while revealing her side of the story.
According to Shafi, she had wished to resolve the matter as privately as possible, but to no gain. She had conveyed her decision of not sharing a platform with Zafar any further through representatives in a very obvious manner.
“I was trying my best not to let this come out. I had given them the message that I do not want a controversy of any kind, and that I do not want this to come out in public. I had tried my level best to sort the issue privately behind closed doors. But I didn’t get any breakthrough,” she said.
Read: “Face the court, Meesha Shafi,” asks Ali Zafar
Shafi told that upon conveying the message, she was asked to visit Zafar at his residence to talk it through. She was also asked to consider an apology, which she deemed considerable, but was again asked to meet the singer-actor at his place, without explaining how the matter would be resolved.
Shafi also revealed how the incident took place in December 2017, and she spoke about it four months later in April 2018, as she had blocked it all out.
میشا شفیع کا انٹرویو۔۔۔دیکھیے ہراسانی کے کیس کی تفصیلات اور علی ظفر کی طرف سے اُٹھائے گئے سوالات کے جواب
Posted by Aaj Shahzeb Khanzada Kay Saath on Monday, 29 April 2019
“During those four months after the incident, I did not speak about it as I had blocked it out. I was not thinking about it, nor was I thinking about how or when to talk about it,” she said.
“I had made a promise to myself that, after what I had experienced first-hand, I would not put myself in such a situation where I would feel vulnerable like this,” she added, once she felt she wasn’t acting on what she was teaching her kids, which was to open up if an incident as such ever takes place.
She also addressed the video Zafar posted of them performing on stage together, and said she was complying with the concert organiser’s insistence. “It was part of the agreement as per the professional contract,” she said.
Moreover, she also pointed out the loopholes in the country’s law regarding sexual harassment, and the grounds on which her case was dismissed. The matter was also elucidated in Shafi’s legal statement, which was posted earlier.
READ: Meesha Shafi’s legal team demands public apology from Ali Zafar
And while talking about #FaceTheCourtMeeshaShafi, she deemed it incorrect, stressing upon how she hasn’t been summoned by the court as yet. “I will appear before the court whenever it summons me,” she added, while elucidating that she has a number of witnesses who are willing to record their statements in the court.