Saba Qamar was recently in news for a couple of reasons. Firstly, she looked brilliant opposite Irrfan Khan in the trailer of her Bollywood debut titled Hindi Medium. Secondly, the Lahore Se Aagey girl boycotted the recently held 16th Lux Style Awards (LSA) because she thought she was neglected earlier and now given importance because of her Bollywood debut. And now, according to our sources, the actress has signed lead role in social media celebrity Qandeel Baloch (late) biopic.
According to further reports, it will be a telefilm which will on-air on Urdu1. Apart from that, not much is known about the project but it is definitely a brave move by the actress as the slain was a controversial celebrity in the country and many continued bashing her even after her murder by her own brother.
Read: Saba Qamar and Irrfan Khan starrer Hindi Medium gets new release date
For the last few days, the actress has been sharing her new look pictures on her Instagram which resembles with slain Baloch. In one picture, she is wearing similar glasses as Baloch used to wear. The actress has also got two tattoos on her neck and caption on one of her recent pictures reads “Work hard in silence,let success make the noise!#sabaqamar #characterrole #Biopic #khi#rebel.” These indications very much confirm our reports.
Saba is one of those actors who are not just masters of what they do but also vocal about social issues and injustice. She made her stance against recently held awards and stuck to it.
Her Bollywood debut ‘Hindi Medium’ will release next month, on May 12, 2017 and we are very hopeful that it will grace cinemas at her home as well.