Shaista Lodhi has recently sparked a debate in the entertainment world after her much-anticipated entry in the new drama serial, Samjhota. The plot of the drama serial focuses on remarriage and the challenges that come with it. It stars Javed Sheikh as the husband who has recently lost his doting wife and is talked into a second marriage to a woman who is a divorcee named Nargis, played by Shaista Lodhi.

So far, Shaista’s role has illustrates how challenging it can be to adjust in a new household with adult children who refuse to give her the same respect as their deceased mother, while also simultaneously trying to win a place in her new husband’s heart. The thing that got people talking on social media is how Shaista looks extremely young to be paired alongside Javed Sheikh, making it an unconventional couple.

Check out some viewer reactions below.

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In fact, Shaista herself shared a behind-the-scenes clip to affirm the ridiculousness and absurdity of the match, resulting in the cast constantly breaking into laughing fits when they’re trying to perform serious or affectionate scenes. In the clip shared by Shaista, we see the scene where Nargis and Waqar are getting married but actress Saba Faisal, who plays the late wife, walks in and starts questioning Waqar’s loyalty to add a hilarious twist.

“This is what happens behind the scenes on the sets of Samjhota,” she captioned. Check it out below.


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