Family Pakistan tour on Bike – the couple gains attention on Internet


A man from Multan, Mahr Jahanzaib Sial carried his ‘Tour on Bike’ passion even after his marriage and he alongside his wife and kids is gaining attention on social media.

With their latest picture from the Pakistan tour on Bike, the family managed to pull the curiosity among the people that what inspired them to go on Pakistan tour on a bike.

The reached out to the man to know the idea behind this interesting-cum-risky journey. A man named Jahanzaib told us that bike riding was his passion and he started touring Pakistan on the bike in 2012.

“I first time went to Pakistan tour on a bike in 2012. It was a fun experiment for me and I continued it from there,” he shared.

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“I got married in 2016. The idea came from there that why shouldn’t go on honeymoon with my Mrs on a bike. She agreed and we went to Fort Monroe from Multan on a bike. That was our first journey on a bike and we really made it a unique experience,” he recalled.

Jahanzaib said he works in Punjab Police and it was hard for him to spend time with his family after having kids. “My first baby boy was born in 2017. Due to my tough police job, I didn’t get time to spend with my baby and wife. I was thinking for an alternative to get some time to spend with them,” he said.

“It was just a mutual understanding between me and my wife which helped us reach a plan to go on Pakistan tour on a bike with our kid. In 2019, we went to Khunjerab Pass on a bike with our kid, and to be honest, that was fun,” he shared.

Viral COVID-19 cancelled Jahanzaib’s plan to tour Pakistan on a bike in 2020 but he once again planned to do it in 2021. “On July 1 this year, we once again went to Khunjerab Pass. Then, we also went to Skardu, Khaplu and Siachen. Unfortunately, we couldn’t reach Gayari Sector due to land sliding. But, this time we had our newborn child with us,” he told.

“I used to post pictures and videos of us from the tour to inspire others towards this beautiful idea of exploring Pakistan. And, those pictures gained your attention too and here we are talking about this,” he mainatained.

To a query about facing difficulties while riding a bike in the mountainous region, Jahanzaib said he keeps all safety equipment with him. “This time, we toured 3000-3600km on a bike. I have a complete puncture repairing kit, plastic bags to save us from bad weather and camps. So, not such difficulties we had faced,” he said.

“But, yes weather and heavy rains sometimes cause problems. But, we just put plastic bags on us and wait for the rain to stop. Sometimes, you have to wait in a particular area for hours and hours due to bad weather,” he added.

Jahanzaib suggested people try this out if they are travel enthusiasts. “If you are a travel enthusiast, you must try a bike tour. It is tough but you will explore the places in real meaning. Just do camping and do not go to hotels like us. It will not only save your money but will be real adventure fun,” he concluded.

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