‘Judging people on outfits is real superficiality’ Mansha Pasha


Mansha Pasha schooled people for judging people on outfits choice following huge backlash over the dressing of actresses in the 20th Lux Style Awards.

Taking to Twitter, Mansha called the act ‘real superficiality’ as she thinks it can’t make anyone a good person.

“Every award show ends with a slew of sermonizing comments under the photos of all female celebrities making character judgments about how good or bad she is based on her outfit. Honestly, this is the real superficiality. Judging a person’s inner nature based on an outfit choice,” Mansha wrote.

“If you think verbal abuse (well intended or justified in your minds perhaps) makes you a good person, please check again,” she added.

It wasn’t for the first time that actors came under fire for their dressing in award shows. These award shows often become trending for dressing choices by celebrities.

Read: ‘Men get higher amount, women get better roles’ Mansha


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