‘Not everyone can be him’ Adnan captures fan moment with AR Rahman


Adnan Siddiqui got a chance to capture a fan moment with his favorite Indian musician AR Rehman in Dubai.

Taking to Instagram, Adnan shared his excitement of meeting Rehman on the sidelines of his performance.

“It was an evening not to be forgotten ever. I was supposed to fly back on 21st Dec; stayed put another day only to see AR Rahmansahib perform live. Saw first hand that beyond mass hysteria, which can be generated easily, lies massive respect in a way that people wait three hours for you to perform and then keep on standing through the show. He commands this much and more. It was a privilege to soak in his ethereal music. Live. His humility is as infectious as the melodies he creates. Not everyday an international icon takes you backstage and introduces you to his crew. Not everyone can be Mr AR Rahman,” he wrote.

It is pertinent to mention here that Adnan has worked in Bollywood’s film MOM. He is known for his multi-dimensional acting in Pakistani dramas. Adnan is one of very few Pakistani actors who got a chance to work in Hollywood.

Read: ‘Our industry is surviving on last breath’ Adnan Siddiqui


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