Earlier, we reported that Hamza Ali Abbasi, Hania Amir and Osman Khalid Butt have teamed up for an upcoming movie titled Parwaaz Hay Junoon. The recent reports reveal that a new comer Ahad Raza Mir has replaced Osman Khalid Butt in the movie. Mir is the son of veteran actor Asif Raza Mir.

“I keep reading a lot of articles saying I’ve replaced Osman Khalid Butt. Not true. You can’t replace Osman. He’s Osman Khalid Butt. Can’t wait to see Balu Mahi,” Ahad praised Osman on his Instagram.

In a Facebook live chat on Balu Mahi’ official page, Osman also cleared why he dropped Parwaaz Hay Junoon. “There’s no controversial reason for me leaving Parwaz Hay Junoon. I left because the shoot was starting mid December, and I had promotions of Balu Mahi. But I am looking forward to watching the movie, and I am sure Ahad will do a great job,” he clarified.

Parwaaz Hay Junoon is a tribute to Pakistan Air Force. The film has been penned by none other than Humsafar, Diyar-e-Dil and Udaari famed writer Farhat Ishtiaq and will mark the directorial debut of award-winning drama director Haseeb Hasan.

Apart from Hamza Ali Abbasi and Hania Amir, the film will also star Shamoon Abbasi in a positive role.

Read: Shamoon Abbasi to play a positive role in Parwaaz Hay Junoon

Parwaaz Hay Junoon is being produced in collaboration with Pakistan Air Force and will be focusing on highlighting the stories from real life. It will feature real life Air Force pilots and personalities along with the lead cast.

Parwaaz Hay Junoon is slated to release in 2017.


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