Veteran actress Zaheen Tahira has unfortunately been facing severe health problems related to cardiac issues, and was admitted to a hospital in Karachi on Sunday. As per reports, the Babban Khala Ki Betiyan actress is currently on a ventilator, and celebrities have taken to social media to garner prayers for her health.
Imran Ashraf shared a lengthy caption, mentioning how much he has enjoyed working with her and how she is in dire need of everyone’s prayers right now.
Imran Abbas also requested fans in an Instagram post to pray for her recovery.
Angeline Malik also joined in by posting a heartwarming video of Tahira singing the hit song Abhi Na Jao Chhor Kar, Ke Dil Abhi Bhara Nahi while also asking fans to pray for her.
Having said that, we wish the actress a speedy recovery and a whole lot of best wishes and warmth. May Allah shower His blessings upon her, Ameen.