Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane, who made her Bollywood debut with Sanam Teri Kasam last year, has always been a admirer of former Miss World and now an international Indian actress, Priyanka Chopra. The Sammi actress hardly misses any event to praise Chopra, who, even after becoming a Hollywood star, takes out time to reply back.
Read: 10 things you need to know about Mawra Hocane
In the recent encounter, Sanam Teri Kasam actress tweeted to congratulate Chopra, who’s debut Marathi film Ventilator as producer won three National Awards. “It’s you!!! Everything you touch turns into gold !!!,” Mawra tweeted.
Once again, the Quantico actress showed her kindness and replied back to thank the Pakistani actress. “Thank you Mawra, you’re too kind to me. Much love baby,” she replied.
Thank you @MawraHocane you're too kind to me. Much love baby ❤️
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) April 7, 2017
This was not the first time that Mawra tweeted something to Chopra and get the instant reply. The Quantico actress is always very kind and supportive to Pakistani actress. She tweeted her wishes for Mawra during Sanam Teri Kasam. They wish birthdays to each other.
Thank u so much @MawraHocane Ure such a natural on screen. Can't wait to c more of u. Xoxo
— PRIYANKA (@priyankachopra) April 14, 2016
Also read: Indian actors appreciate lifting of Bollywood ban in Pakistan
During the time when some segments are busy in creating negative sentiments on both sides of the border and banning artists, there are people like Priyanka Chopra and Mawra Hocane, who never give up on hopes and promote people to people contact. Artists like Priyanka Chopra and Rishi Kapoor do exist on the other side of the border who believe in peace, talks and exchange of talent.