Pyare Afzal actress Sana Javed has backed out from her debut film Rangreza. According to the latest updates, Na Maloom Afraad’s lead actress Urwa Hocane has joined Bilal Ashraf and Gohar Rasheed in the film which is set to hit floors this month.

Sana has told that she had some date issues and nothing else and that she has backed out after mutual understanding.

Read: Sana Javed, Bilal Ashraf and Gohar Rasheed to star in a new movie

Urwa Hocane has reportedly joined Gohar Rasheed and Bilal Ashraf, who will be sharing big screen together for the third time together. Earlier, the duo made cameo in Zeba Bakhtiar and Azaan Sami Khan’s Operation 021 and later signed Yalghaar, which is expected to release later this year.

Bilal Ashraf and Urwa Hocane will also share screen in another upcoming film titled Two+Two, along with Ali Azmat and Babra Sharif.

Rangreza will be directed by debutant Aamir Mohiuddin and is written by Akhtar Qayoom, who is also directing the music for his movie. It also stars Tanveer Jamal, Akber Subhani and Shahid Naqvi.


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