Internationally renowned stars Shaggy, Ali Zafar, Shehzad Roy and Fahad Mustafa have vowed to deliver a memorable spectacular at the opening ceremony of the HBL Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2017 edition that takes place at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium tomorrow.
The four stars, Chairman PSL Najam Sethi and brand ambassador of the HBL PSL Ramiz Raja spoke to the media about the glittering ceremony that will kick start proceedings in the second edition of the tournament followed by the opening game between defending champions Islamabad United and Peshawar Zalmi.
Mr. Sethi thanked the four mega stars for their presence and promised a breath taking ceremony to launch the second edition of the HBL PSL.
“I want to retain an element of surprise before the opening ceremony, it should be an enthralling evening, I also welcome and thank the stars especially Shaggy who has flown down to Dubai for the event, Ali Zafar, Shehzad Roy and Fahad Mustafa will all be making a big contribution as we endeavour to deliver an enthralling success.”
Jamaican superstar Shaggy spoke about his association about the game of cricket as he expressed his excitement before his performance for the opening ceremony.
“It is great to be here and I look forward to performing at the ceremony, it should be an exciting affair and the Pakistan cricket fans will surely enjoy the spectacle. I have a long association with Chris Gayle while Courtney Walsh (Former West Indian Fast Bowler) was my neighbour in Jamaica.”
Ali Zafar and Fahad Mustafa, Shehzad Roy also expressed their excitement ahead of the ceremony which starts at 6:30 Dubai time tomorrow.
HBL PSL Green and Maroon caps unveiled
Before the commencement of the press conference Ramiz unveiled the green and maroon caps that will be handed out to the best batsman and the best bowler in the tournament respectively.
“HBL PSL is adopting the innovations that we have seen around the world and handing out the caps is another feature that the league is introducing from this season, hopefully we will see some top-class performances from batsmen and bowlers who would be vying for the cap.
The maroon and the green caps will be handed to the highest wicket taker and the highest runs scorer respectively throughout the course of the tournament. The bowler with the most wickets in the tournament will wear the maroon cap, while the batsman who has the highest number of runs to his credit will flaunt the green cap. It will be interesting to see how much the two caps change possession.
The two caps of honor will also endorse the Edhi foundation logo in memory of Abdul Sattar Edhi who passed away last year.
Cricket-tainment bat for Edhi Foundation
The HBL PSL and PCB are further strengthening their bond with the eInternationally renowned stars Shaggy, Ali Zafar, Shehzad Roy and Fahad Mustafa have vowed to deliver a memorable spectacular at the opening ceremony of the HBL Pakistan Super League (PSL) 2017 edition that takes place at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium tomorrow.
The four stars, Chairman PSL Najam Sethi and brand ambassador of the HBL PSL Ramiz Raja spoke to the media about the glittering ceremony that will kick start proceedings in the second edition of the tournament followed by the opening game between defending champions Islamabad United and Peshawar Zalmi.
Mr. Sethi thanked the four mega stars for their presence and promised a breath taking ceremony to launch the second edition of the HBL PSL.
“I want to retain an element of surprise before the opening ceremony, it should be an enthralling evening, I also welcome and thank the stars especially Shaggy who has flown down to Dubai for the event, Ali Zafar, Shehzad Roy and Fahad Mustafa will all be making a big contribution as we endeavour to deliver an enthralling success.”
Jamaican superstar Shaggy spoke about his association about the game of cricket as he expressed his excitement before his performance for the opening ceremony.
“It is great to be here and I look forward to performing at the ceremony, it should be an exciting affair and the Pakistan cricket fans will surely enjoy the spectacle. I have a long association with Chris Gayle while Courtney Walsh (Former West Indian Fast Bowler) was my neighbour in Jamaica.”
Ali Zafar and Fahad Mustafa, Shehzad Roy also expressed their excitement ahead of the ceremony which starts at 6:30 Dubai time tomorrow.
HBL PSL Green and Maroon caps unveiled
Before the commencement of the press conference Ramiz unveiled the green and maroon caps that will be handed out to the best batsman and the best bowler in the tournament respectively.
“HBL PSL is adopting the innovations that we have seen around the world and handing out the caps is another feature that the league is introducing from this season, hopefully we will see some top-class performances from batsmen and bowlers who would be vying for the cap.
The maroon and the green caps will be handed to the highest wicket taker and the highest runs scorer respectively throughout the course of the tournament. The bowler with the most wickets in the tournament will wear the maroon cap, while the batsman who has the highest number of runs to his credit will flaunt the green cap. It will be interesting to see how much the two caps change possession.
The two caps of honor will also endorse the Edhi foundation logo in memory of Abdul Sattar Edhi who passed away last year.
Cricket-tainment bat for Edhi Foundation
The HBL PSL and PCB are further strengthening their bond with the esteemed Edhi Foundation. In recognition of the renowned humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi’s services, a special ‘cricket-tainment’ bat signed by the artists performing at the HBL PSL opening ceremony will be auctioned and the money gained will be handed over to the Foundation as charity.
The details of the auction will be announced in due course. Additionally a special poster signed by the artists will be handed over to the most passionate fan of the league.
steemed Edhi Foundation. In recognition of the renowned humanitarian Abdul Sattar Edhi’s services, a special ‘cricket-tainment’ bat signed by the artists performing at the HBL PSL opening ceremony will be auctioned and the money gained will be handed over to the Foundation as charity.
The details of the auction will be announced in due course. Additionally a special poster signed by the artists will be handed over to the most passionate fan of the league.