Former Indian cricketer and commentator, Harbhajan Singh, has shared his thoughts on the upcoming ICC Men’s ODI World Cup in India. Harbhajan, speaking on his YouTube channel, has named four teams that he believes are strong contenders to reach the semifinals and vie for the championship.

His top four picks for the semifinals include Australia, India, England, and New Zealand. These selections are based on these teams’ impressive performances in the previous edition of the tournament, indicating a good chance of them making it to the knockout stage once again.

Harbhajan is particularly excited about the potential showdown between India and Australia, suggesting that the winner of this match could become the favorite to win the World Cup. He acknowledged that Australia, India, and England are formidable contenders for the top four positions in the tournament.

However, Harbhajan did not include Pakistan in his list of semifinal contenders. Despite being the top-ranked ODI team, he expressed doubts about Pakistan’s performance in the 50-over format, implying that they are more suited to T20 cricket.

Instead, Harbhajan’s choice for the fourth spot in the semifinals was New Zealand. So, according to his predictions, the four semifinalists for the ICC Men’s ODI World Cup are India, Australia, England, and New Zealand.

As cricket enthusiasts eagerly await the World Cup, Harbhajan Singh’s insights and predictions have added to the excitement and discussions surrounding the tournament. Cricket fans from around the world will be closely following the matches to see which teams ultimately make it to the semifinals and compete for the coveted title at the ICC Men’s ODI World Cup in India.


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