Noor Bukhari’s directorial debut Ishq Positive songs have been released at a press meet event in Karachi. The movie, starring the stalwart of “Lollywood” Noor Bukhari along with Wali Hamid Ali Khan, Saud, Sonu Saud, Faria Bukhari and Durdana Butt will hit theatres nationwide on July 22, 2016. The movie is penned by Suraj Baba, produced by Shazia Mahmood Hussain and Kashif Latif and directed by Noor Bukhari.
The press conference, organized for select media personnel, bloggers and showbiz personalities not only gave audiences an insight into the movie but also provided the lead cast an opportunity to share their experiences and memories created on the sets.
Speaking about the distribution of Ishq Positive, Sultana Siddiqui President HUM Network stressed that “Pakistani cinema industry is in experimental phase and distributors cannot be choosy about projects if we want this fledgling industry to grow. Experiments are the key to innovation, our directors, producers and writers will learn with time, all we need to do is keep supporting them.”
Director and the main lead of the movie, Noor Bukhari raised the curtain from the amazing line-up of singers and music composers associated with the movie “Raab diyaan raab jane” is sung by the maestro Rahat Feteh Ali khan & famous Indian playback singer Akriti kakar, penned by Saaji Ali and composed by Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid ali khan and Saaji.
“Dil ka panchi” is sung by Wali Hamid Ali khan & Damia Farooq and penned by Suraj baba. “Tujhe bin mora” is sung by Ustad Hamid Ali khan along with Akriti Kakar, the song is penned by Ustad Hamid Ali khan and Wali hamid Ali khan and composed by Wali Hamid Ali Khan.
“Naughty” is sung by Wali Hamid Ali khan & Sana Zulfiqar and penned by Saaji Ali. “Noor e khudda” sung by Wali Hamid Ali khan & Akriti Kakar, penned by Turaaz and composed by Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid Ali khan and Saaji Ali.
“Ya Ali” is sung by RagaBoyz, penned by Saaji Ali and composed Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid Ali khan and Saaji. “Dance” is sung by Wali Hamid Ali khan & Akriti Kakar and composed by Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid Ali khan and Saaji, “Kina tenu” is sung by Wali Hamid Ali khan penned by Saaji Ali and composed by Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid Ali khan, Saaji Ali. “Vitamin” is sung by Farah Anwer, penned by Saaji Ali and composed by Kamran Akhtar, Wali Hamid Ali khan, Saaji Ali.
The music videos of four of the movie’s songs Raab diyaan raab jane, Naughty, Dil ka panchi and Noor e Khudda were previewed to the enthusiastic attendees who clapped and cheered to the soothing lyrics of the songs. The lead cast performed on Dil ka Panchi. The film’s trailer was also screened after which the floor was opened for questions and answers.