Renowned Pakistani singer Atif Aslam, famed for his numerous Bollywood chart-toppers, is set to make his debut in the Malayalam film industry with the upcoming romantic entertainer ‘Haal’. The film, which features actor Shane Nigam, marks Aslam’s return to Indian cinema after a seven-year hiatus. The move follows the Supreme Court of India’s decision to lift the ban on Pakistani artists working in India.

Reports indicate that Aslam has already recorded a song for ‘Haal’, with music composed by Nandagopan V and lyrics by Mridul Meer and Neeraj Kumar. The recording took place in an overseas studio, signaling Aslam’s comeback to Indian entertainment. While details about the song are still sparse, there is speculation that a well-known female singer is also part of the track.

‘Haal’, directed by Prashanth Vijayakumar, is written by Nishad Koya. The romantic entertainer features cinematography by Karthik Muthukumar and editing by Sreejith Sarang. Produced by JVJ Productions, the film is scheduled to start filming in the first week of May.

The return of Atif Aslam to the Indian film industry is significant, given the political and cultural tensions that had previously limited cross-border artistic collaborations. Aslam’s involvement in ‘Haal’ is expected to draw attention from fans on both sides of the border, adding to the anticipation for this unique Malayalam project.


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