According to Express Tribune, singer Maha Ali Kazmi has retorted with a legal notice to Ali Noor after the Noori frontman shared a defamation notice against Maha on his social media. The notice came forward after Maha shared her experience of suffering professional misconduct at the hands of Noor during a recording session for Coke Studio.
As per the scans shared by Maha, her legal response addresses each claim made in Ali Noor’s notice. The claim that Noor is a “respectable and law-abiding citizen of Pakistan” is denied, citing his attitude towards Kazmi and a previous incident involving Ayesha Binte Rashid. The claim that Noor has an “unmatchable reputation amongst his peers, the industry, the clients as well as the general public at large” is also denied.
Moreover, Kazmi’s legal notice vehemently denies that her allegations against Noor are false and baseless, stating that they are true facts. Furthermore, the claim that Noor has suffered “irreparable loss to his reputation, trade and torturous mental agony” is denied as false and deliberately defamatory.
READ: Ali Noor refutes all allegations of harassment and takes legal action against Maha Ali Kazmi
According to Kazmi’s lawyer, Noor’s defamation notice lacks legal authenticity since it was never signed by his legal representative. Furthermore, it cannot be considered as “served” because it was not sent to Kazmi through proper channels. Instead, it was uploaded on Noor’s Instagram stories, tagging Kazmi’s account.
The notice reiterates Kazmi’s account of the incident and adds further details. Kazmi’s lawyer asserts that each word spoken by Kazmi in respect of Noor’s conduct during her audition for Coke Studio Season 9 is true and correct. Kazmi did not need to make false allegations against Noor nor did she benefit from breaking her silence. As per the notice’s details, Noor’s attitude and conduct destroyed Kazmi’s confidence, her professional career, and caused her great mental torture and financial losses.
According to Kazmi’s notice, during the audition for Coke Studio Season 9, Noor allegedly attacked Kazmi’s character, criticized her voice and personality, and made unwarranted comments about her attire. He suggested that she exuded a weak personality and needed to come to Lahore and record an album with him to salvage her career. He also described her as gullible and incapable of making decisions for herself in an attempt to shatter her confidence.
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The notice further stated that at a later meeting scheduled in Noor’s hotel room, he made derogatory remarks about Kazmi in front of her spouse, called her too proper and careful, and suggested that she take drugs to loosen up. He conveyed to the main producers of the Coke Studio Season 9 that Kazmi couldn’t sing, causing long-lasting damage to her artistic self-confidence.
On an end note, Kazmi’s lawyer has advised Noor to withdraw his notice and apologise to Kazmi within three days. Failure to comply would result in Kazmi legally defending her claims and filing a suit to counter claim damages and compensation “to the tune of Rs100 million (only)” while initiating criminal and other proceedings.
Ali Noor is yet to respond publicly to Maha’s legal notice. Keep an eye on this space for more updates.