Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, renowned for her role alongside Shah Rukh Khan in the film “Raees,” recently shared a candid revelation about her battle with bipolar disorder in a thought-provoking interview on the FWhy podcast.
Khan disclosed that her bipolar disorder was triggered by the aftermath of the 2016 Uri attack, which led to a ban on Pakistani actors working in India.
While Khan acknowledged that her predisposition to the condition was genetic, she emphasized that the “Raees” backlash served as the catalyst for her struggles. This difficult period prompted her to seek professional help, leading her to a psychiatrist’s office where she was diagnosed with manic depression.
Despite the passage of six years, she continues to manage her condition with the aid of anti-depressants. An attempt to cease medication, she revealed, plunged her into a distressingly dark phase.
The year 2017 marked the release of “Raees,” and it coincided with a time of heightened scrutiny following a controversy involving Ranbir Kapoor’s smoking pictures. Khan described this period as “unexpected” and shared that the negative attention intensified her existing anxiety and depression.
Mahira Khan’s experience underscores the immense toll that public scrutiny and negative attention can take on mental health. The actress shared that, although she has always been a hopeful individual, the depth of her struggle necessitated professional intervention and support beyond prayers and companionship. Khan’s openness about her journey shines a light on the reality of clinical depression and emphasizes the importance of seeking help and understanding.
Watch the podcast below: