While Mahira Khan’s debut Bollywood movie Raees alongside Shahrukh Khan was going good on box office throughout the world, her in Pakistan only got a chance to watch the film online because the censor board banned the movie at home. When the first song Zaalima starring Pakistani talent released on youtube, it crossed 20M views within no time. And now recently, after almost two months of film release, the song crossed over 100M views.

Zaalima has been beautifully sung by Arijit Singh while for Mahira khan’s part, Harshdeep Kaur has lend her vocals.

Read: Mahira Khan finally breaks silence over Raees promotions

Mahira Khan was not officially allowed to promote her debut Bollywood movie because of tensions between two countries and protests by Indian extremists parties but she tried her best to promote it the other way.

Read: Censor Board BANS Mahira Khan’s Raees

The other song of the movie titled Udi Udi Jaye starring Mahira and Shahrukh is also crossing over 55M views on youtube.


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