WhatsApp, the world’s largest messaging app with over 1.2 billion monthly active users is introducing WhatsApp Status, a new way for users to share moments with friends and family throughout their day via photos, videos, and GIFS. The feature is similar to Instagram and Facebook stories, which they copied from Snapchat stories.
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First Instagram, then Facebook, and now Whatsapp is introducing Snapchat like features for its users. “As part of their eighth anniversary, WhatsApp is introducing a reinvented Status feature so users can send and receive status updates, with people they know,” reads the press release. “It all starts with the recently redesigned WhatsApp camera where people share photos, videos, and GIFs that can be personalized with emoji, text, and drawings,” it adds.
“We are rolling out an update to status, which allows you to share images and videos with your friends and contacts on WhatsApp in an easy and secure way. Yes, even your status updates are end-to-end encrypted,” writes Jan Koum, the CEO and Co-Founder at Whatsapp in his blog.
With Status, it’s simple to share moments with all contacts – not just with individuals or groups. As soon as a user opens the new Status tab, you’ll see updates from friends and family who are WhatsApp users in the address book. Friends’ updates can be replied to privately and viewing of content can also be controlled. All updates expire after 24 hours. And like other types of messages, contacts can be put to mute or unmute at any time. WhatsApp Status will be available soon around the world for iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone users.