The beautiful and talented model Nadia Hussain was the celebrity who graced the set of Iftaar Mulaqaat for their 13th episode.
Hina and Nadia had a jovial chitchat that covered everything from her beautiful looks, life goals, children and various issues of our society. One of the topics Nadia was adamant on discussing was the current Social media problem.
“I think there’s a lot that’s happening on the social media. There’s so much hate over social media.”
Nadia believed it was a worrisome thing, which if not stopped in due time would lead to disastrous results, although she didn’t let it affect her.
“What’s happening on social media, doesn’t really bother me.”
But Nadia felt the need to discuss this issue since everybody has gotten a platform to speak and people don’t necessarily use it in the right way.
“People comment without even thinking about it. Freedom of speech is being used in ways it shouldn’t”
Nadia Hussain was introduced to this world of media at a very young age, and maybe that’s why very few things bother her. Although she was quick to mention that she’s never faced such a thing in person.
“I haven’t had to face a judgmental behavior in my career, in person.”