‘Aurat March probably attracts controversy, not focus on women issues’ Veena


Veena Malik thinks that Aurat March has diverted from actual women issues as their focus mainly remains on attracting controversies.

Speaking in a YouTube video, Veena said there is a lot that can be done for women through Aurat March.

“There are a lot of issues women face and those are serious issues. But what I feel is that Aurat March is not working on issues that are imperative but are focusing on issues that aren’t helping women out at all. Aurat March probably attracts controversy. They are not serious,” Veena said.

Veena identified some of the problems women face mainly and said Aurat March should highlight these issues.

“Women do face serious issues. There are so many women who face severe health problems during maternity, childbirth. They should speak about pay parity and rally for equal pay to their male counterparts. There are so many other topics where they should speak out for women’s rights and play their role,” she concluded.

Read: Veena Malik calls Marvi Sirmed a ‘Gainda’


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