This year has been kind to Mahira Khan in many regards. She made her Bollywood debut opposite Shahrukh Khan aka the King Khan of the industry. The film wasn’t a big success on box office but she ended up making new fans on the other side of the border. Later, she played lead in Shoaib Mansoor’s Verna and signed for two big projects, Maula Jutt 2 and Saat Din Mohabbat In.
And now, when the year is about to end, the actress bagged 5th place in Eastern Eye’s list of Sexiest Asian Women 2017. The Raees actress, who was on ninth spot last year, left behind the likes of Aishwarya Rai and Anushka Sharma this year.
Mahira Khan, who was the highest placed Pakistani for a third year in a row, was taken aback by the news and said: “Honestly, this time I think I’m just going to take the tag and run with it! It feels great, third time in a row. Being sexy or beautiful for me is really just being comfortable in your own skin.”
Read: O Zaalima! Mahira Khan beats Alia Bhatt, Deepika Padukone to top charts
The actress took over to her Instagram to thank her fans. “Thank you so much #Easterneye , @asjadnazir and all of you who vote for me every year! Love love love x,” she wrote.
“Mahira Khan has become a powerful symbol of girl power in Pakistan, both for youngsters who have big dreams and for working mothers. She has also spoken up about important social causes including the empowerment of women in Pakistan and been a great ambassador for her country around the world. She has combined all that with how great she always looks. Mahira has shown both inner and outer beauty,” wrote Asjad Khan, the entertainment editor of Eastern Eye and founder of the list.
Apart from Khan, Janaan actress Armeena Rana Khan, Humaima Malik and Coke Studio famed Momina Mustehsan also made it to the list, who bagged 22nd, 33rd, and 37th spots respectively.
The complete 50 Sexiest Asian Women list for 2017 is published in Eastern Eye newspaper on December 8 and the list of 50 Sexiest Asian men is released on December 15.