Veteran TV actor and producer Adnan Siddiqui has now become known for introducing new talents on mainstream level. A couple of weeks ago, he had heard a girl on youtube singing a classic bollywood number. The producer then found her from Lahore and made her sing the OST of his new drama serial Pujaran. Just recently, Siddiqui spotted a Thealey-Wala on Tariq Road in Karachi singing in soulful voice and decided to give him a break.

“I spotted Sarfaraz (‘faraz’ is what i call him) casually singing in a soulful yet melodious tune on the streets of Tariq Road. I looked at him and was simply shocked, he stood there in his road-side stall selling garments and being ever so harmonious. I spoke to him and was even more surprised; he told me he never learned to sing, its just his hobby and these crazy notes he sings beautifully is something which he simply possess,” wrote Siddiqui on his Instagram.

The true vision behind Cereal Entertainment was always to promote the amazingly talented youth of Pakistan in any field they aspire to be in. Similarly, i spotted Sarfaraz ('faraz' is what i call him) casually singing in a soulful yet melodious tune on the streets of Tariq Road. I looked at him and was simply shocked, he stood there in his road-side stall selling garments and being ever so harmonious. I spoke to him and was even more surprised; he told me he never learned to sing, its just his hobby and these crazy notes he sings beautifully is something which he simply possess. I knew right there and then that he was something very special, rare and extremely talented. I'm sure you all have seen a glimpse of him by now but trust me there is much more to Faraz's gigantic voice. I'm proud to say that as per mine and my company's vision, i will offer Faraz a chance to sing for one of Cereal Entertainment's upcoming projects! Get ready to be amazed by him very soon guys. Also, i will also stress upon the fact how important it is to support these young, artistic and talented individuals. No matter what their education, background, occupation, gender, etc is, every one should be given a fair chance, especially in the media industry. This ideology is something very close to my heart and i hope its just the beginning of many wonderful times ahead for Cereal Entertainment, for the people involved and for you all. God bless you all and cant wait for exciting times ahead, especially for Faraz! #AdnanSiddiqui #cereal #entertainment #company #TalentedYouth #Media #Singing

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“I knew right there and then that he was something very special, rare and extremely talented,” he added with excitement.

Siddiqui, who also the co-owner of Cereal Entertainment Company told that he felt proud to offer Faraz a chance to sing for his upcoming project. “I’m proud to say that as per mine and my company’s vision, i will offer Faraz a chance to sing for one of Cereal Entertainment’s upcoming projects!,” he told. “Get ready to be amazed by him very soon guys,” he added with excitement.

He also assured to support all such talent irrespective of their background. “I will also stress upon the fact how important it is to support these young, artistic and talented individuals,” he told. “No matter what their education, background, occupation, gender, etc is, every one should be given a fair chance, especially in the media industry,” he added.

#Unwinding #session in #dubai with #friends. #adnansiddiqui

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